Perspective is a critical thing. Without the proper perspective, people can make terrible decisions. They can easily believe lies simply because they are not seeing the whole picture. In this eye-opening series, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the biblical truth about the nature of God and the nature of man. When you gain true perspective, you stand amazed at the goodness of God and His patient dealings with man.
What comes into your mind when you think about God? A.W. Tozer said how you answer that question is the most important thing about you. And many people misunderstand the true nature of God. Is He good or bad? Is he close or far away? Is He one of many? Discover the foundational pillars of the character of God in this message entitled Introducing the One True God from Pastor Jeff Schreve’s series PERSPECTIVE: Understanding God and Man.
Do you understand the true picture of man? Most of us like to think man is pretty good, but does the Word of God agree with that opinion? Romans chapter 3 gives us the unabridged answer. Do You See What God Sees? is from Pastor Jeff Schreve’s series PERSPECTIVE: Understanding God and Man
As we consider the cross of Christ, what do we learn about the righteousness of God and the sinfulness of man? Why would God give His only begotten Son? Why does humanity hide from God rather than run to God? Why do they want to make God into their own image? Find out in the message, The Cross and the Crossroads from Pastor Jeff Schreve’s series PERSPECTIVE: Understanding God and Man.
Jesus said, “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” Are you living the life He came to give you? Are you enjoying an abundance of love, joy, and peace? If not, why not? Discover the joy of the genuine Christian life in this message titled, Are You Living the Life? It’s from Pastor Jeff Schreve series PERSPECTIVE: Understanding God and Man.