Your Support

Monthly supporters of From His Heart help the ministry grow to reach more people.

From His Heart exists to tell as many people as possible about God's love found only in Christ. The Word is spread and the ministry grows by the ambassadors we send ... i.e. YOU.

Your Support

Our hope is that we'll be a blessing to you each day and you'll then become an ambassador for us.


First, we need your prayers.

Please pray for Pastor Jeff and this ministry as often as God brings you to mind. Ask God to empower Pastor Jeff to preach the uncompromised Word of God. Pray that From His Heart will be able to reach more people through new radio, television and digital media opportunities. Pray about what He may have you do to help us financially to join with us in touching the world with Good News.

First, we need your prayers.

Second, we hope you'll share the encouraging content that we create each day from Jeff.

You can also follow Pastor Jeff facebook, Twitter, tik tok, OnePlace, Light Source, just to name a few. We also hope that you will sign up to receive our weekly devotionals and other emails.

Real truth, real love, and real hope are in short supply across your community and around the world. Thank you for whatever you can do to help us bridge the gap to see people draw closer to Jesus.

Second, we hope you'll share the encouraging content that we create each day from Jeff.

Third, a Vision Partner is a mature Christian who understands that scripture is light in a dark world that can't be kept covered up.

They are people who see value in investing into Kingdom work that reaches far beyond what they can. They want to make a bigger impact on the world and do that by partnering with From His Heart to reach the masses who have never heard. 

When you make an automatic monthly donation of any amount to From His Heart, you're helping to provide the regular, dependable support we need to move boldly into future broadcast and outreach opportunitues knowing that, together, we can grow this ministry to reach more people around the world.

We know you could invest in many ministires, but at From His Heart, you can be sure your funds will be used wisely and with the utmost integrity to impact the most people possible for Jesus. 

Find Hope in the Trials of Life

Has life dealt you a bad hand? Discover biblical truths to help you trust God and see Him work, even in the midst of heartache and heartbreak. Pastor Jeff Schreve's series, Beauty for Ashes and the Unveiling the Mystery of Prayer booklet are our thanks for your gift to help share the real truth of God’s Word  through From His Heart.

Find Hope in the Trials of Life
Learn More

GivingTuesday is here—give now to meet a one-day $35,000 goal!

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